Benchmark DAC1 still relevant?

I have an older Benchmark DAC1 that was upgraded to a higher sampling rate some years back.  I am considering buying a new streamer from Auralic.  One has a DAC built in and the other does not (Aries G1 vs Altair G1).  Is my Benchmark still a relevant streamer given that it is 10 years old?
I'll tell you how you can tell.

Can you hear a marked difference between Redbook (44.1 kHz/16) and high resolution music? If not, keep it.

If Hi rez sounds significantly better, it's time to upgrade. :)

I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but over the last 10-15 years Redbook performance has gotten so much better.
@hifi  Your DAC1 was never a relevant streamer because it's only a  DAC.  What are you using now to stream to the DAC?