Two subs or not two subs...

Will be experimenting, curious about opinions. 
REL T/5i to replace a Klipsch R10. Decent upgrade? OR use both? 
JA Michell Gyro TT - Rega RB808 - Ortofon Cadenza black
Rega Aria phono
Primaluna Dialogue pre
Bel Canto ref 500 monos 
Maggie 1.7i 

(have a HSU VTF-15H, but prob too big for this room.)
Post removed 
I'm a big fan of mains with no ports, full range for large rooms,

or, smaller mains with no ports, with stereo pair of front facing directional subs (self powered) for smaller rooms.

Bass is not mono as some believe, just listen to the placement of bass players in jazz groups, or listen to this!

IF ports, front facing.

Home theater, single self powered sub can be quite successful, but, if watching music concerts, then directional 2 channel full frequency mains or pair of stereo subs is advantageous .

powerful amps for subs are not just to push a lot of air, they are needed to stop/control the woofer, as important, so go for subs that can contain themselves.