How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!

I really love my stereo currently. I keep thinking I should be looking for the next piece to upgrade - phono stage, stereo subs, etc., but honestly not sure what to change or why I’d potentially spend more money to achieve a result that’s lesser or equal to my current sound quality. I sorta feel clueless as to how to proceed without screwing up what I have. I know it can get better but honestly I’m at a place when I just don’t know how it can. Hmmmmm.... not a bad problem I guess. Open to suggestions for sure. Thx.
For about five years I was on a tear, upgrading this, changing out that, and I've reached the same point, really enjoying the sound quality of my system, being more "relaxed" about being an audiophile, enjoying the music.
Respectfully submitted, and really not looking to argue, but I think that one large impediment to advancing an audiophile system is having something more important to ones life to allocate money on.

Also, I just watched the zero fidelity you tube video where he makes the point that before you can decide where you want to be on the audio system level spectrum, one needs to realize that it is impossible to create the sound of a live event. Once you realize that, you pick the "fake sound" (his words) and equipment level that caters to your taste. It will always be the reproduction of music, not the creation.

If one wants to dedicate "x" amount of time and money to achieve his/her brand of the best sound possible, that is his/her decision, but to judge others who can be satisfied with the tone they have achieved is IMHO misguided.

That said, I do have seven amps (LOL).

Your imperfection is in balance. Upset that balance and you’ll be on the upgrade merry-go-round chasing the memory of happiness lost. Proceed at your own risk.