7.83HZ Schumann Wave Ultra-Low Frequency Pulse Generator & Audio Resonator, DC

7.83HZ Schumann Wave Ultra-Low Frequency Pulse Generator & Audio Resonator, DC 12V 0.5A Schumann Resonance Pulse Generator & Audio Resonator

I got his device today, which I ordered on Amazon Prime at a weak moment and have it generating waves around my audio room at the moment.  I am unclear what benefits it provides (maybe it needs to be "run in"?), but it purportedly might enhance my sleep patterns.  GK clearly will have an opinion about this, but I welcome comments from others with experience with this Pulse Generator... and am happy to hear anybody call BS on the efficacy of the device or feels that the device has benefits. 
I seriously doubt anybody is expecting old timers to hop on board the Schumann train 🚂 This is a perfect example of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks. Allow me to interject an excerpt from a review of the Acoustic Revive Schumann resonator here for contrast to idle speculation. To whit, from 6 Moons review,

Listening Impressions
Acoustic Revive recommends that the RR-77 be placed at a height of five feet or more which, I confirmed, provided better performance than lower positions where effectiveness seems much reduced. When positioning your unit, you really need to make sure it is at least five feet off the floor. I have my RR-77 sitting in an alcove above my fireplace on the left wall of my living/listening room. You can experiment with placement a little and see what works best for you. In his listening room, audio bro Stephæn found that the best performance with the RR-77 was achieved between and up behind his loudspeakers.

I had actually plugged in and started using the RR-77 before I had read up on it or done any background research so I didn’t really know what to expect. The first time I powered up the RR-77, I had some music playing and was shocked by the transformation. "What the hell!" I mumbled as the RR-77 made everything more natural, smoother and more musically lifelike - a music lover’s dream come true. Space opened up in the recording acoustic, notes decayed in a much more natural fashion and what little edge, grit or glare I was hearing on lesser recordings over the review system became more tolerable.

One aspect particularly intrigued me: You know how you can hear the acoustic signature of a recording venue in a recording? The recording has its own acoustic signature and so does your listening room and they are different. With the RR-77 powered up, it’s as though the dissimilar acoustic signatures of the recording and listening room blended and became one. This effect of the RR-77 is a little hard to articulate fully and you really need to experience it to get the full understanding. On smaller, more intimate jazz recordings in particular, it makes it seem like the musicians are in the room with you playing and yet you feel like you’re in the recording.
No telling what these children do when they escape the influence of the resonators.
How dare you judge my students from your elitist platform.