Martin Logan For Dummies

Hello (again)
I'm in the market for some Ml's I think :)

Yesterday I heard some Quest Z's and am >impressed< with the whole speaker, except for the bass (different thread)...

So, I'm wondering, what other ML models are there, that either DO or DON'T have the same 'muddy bass' issue as the Quest-Z's ?

I'm not big on bass anyways (and really like the crystal clarity of the Quest-z) so, it's ok if they are 'bass-shy' but I'm wondering if ML fixed the issue with the Requests or which models should I be looking for. I'd prefer the wood trim if possible also...
I was a Martin Logan dealer for many years and still own several models.

I think one of the best hybrid models was the SL3.

BTW, I owned the Quest, QuestZ and the ReQuest and never had a bass problem with any of them. Speaker placement and setup is VERY critical with these.
I never had problems with Martin Logan speakers either. They do require more attention to detail in system matching and set up than other speakers. Because of this I do not believe there is a Martin Logan speaker for Dummies.
I owned Ascent i for a while. Really liked them, good bass in my opinion. I agree with Rrog in that you need to work with them a little more than other speakers. I dropped them where I had my Maggies and it didn't work so well.
Smoe say the bass and panels don't integrate - I never heard any of that, it all sounded pretty good to me.
Good luck
Well, I joined the forum, and also called ML to ask a few questions...they say the Request fixed it a little, using spikes will help...buying the CLX will help a whole lot !