Room Correction without loosing MQA and DSD

I have a terrible room, even with a lot of acoustic treatment.
I have been thinking about room correction as it seems to get better and better.Dirac Live looks very easy to use and have got a lot of great reviews. So I would like to use that.
If I buy the SHD Studio from miniDSP then I have to say goodbye to DSP and MQA.Are there a way to have room correction and MQA/DSD?
Another product or alternative to Dirac?
So DSD is out of the picture. And Roon can do the first unfold to 96khz that's the minDSP's max resolution.

I guess that I have to accept it and hope that the SQ improvement from Dirac Live are greater than DSD and MQA.

Thanks for the inputs. And happy new year🌟
Your current Orchid DAC is neither MQA-enabled nor outputs anything higher than 16/44.1. Are you only looking for something with a built in DAC? 
@kalali I know but if I invest in the miniDSP the I will be unable to use a day that have MQA / DSD.

And I hope that PS Audio soon will make a new Direct Stream Junior.
I was so lucky that I could audit the PS Audio DirectStream with the bridge for one week. And it was the best DAC I have ever heard. But to expensive for me.

I guess that I have to accept it and hope that the SQ improvement from Dirac Live are greater than DSD and MQA.
IMHO, yes.