Upgrade path from Windows laptop music server

I think my old HP laptop is the weak point in my system.  It's an i5 with 8meg connected to a Benchmark DAC (may be upgraded) over a Wireworld USB.  I'm running JRiver to play my 200 ripped CD'S, listen to Radio Paradise and WWOZ Internet radio, and have just signed up to Qobuz high-res.  I thought I was computer literate but the array of new options for computer audio is intimidating.  So, asking for guidance.  My goal is the best sound, which I see as delivering the best signal to the DAC.

Should I keep the laptop but configure a network bridge from SOtM, Sonore, or others?  This is all new to me.
If so, should I/ can I run Ethernet from nearby router to bridge?
Will JRiver still work?
Are there great laptops that solve the problem? (assuming there is a problem)
Do I trash the laptop altogether?

I want to end up with something with a good user-interface free of arcane techy complexity.

Thanks for any advice or past experience 

I would try something like Uptone Studio ISO Regen.  It can re-clock the usb signal and filter out electrical noice according to their sales info. My dac was upgraded to buffer data long time ago and it improved the sound a lot.
Considering the level of your system I think it makes sense to ditch the laptop and step up to one of the better dedicated streamers.  Read Darko’s review of the Innuos Zen if you haven’t already as it’s pretty informative.  The Zen would be a great choice, but Lumin is worth a look too.  Best of luck. 
Thanks again for your insights.  This is  exciting.  Ironically, most of my career was doing hardware/software interfaces for operating systems but I was blind to all the innovation occurring.

I'll be happy to get away from big bloated Windows and go with a dedicated platform. I was rather dreading Windows Remote Desktop.

@jazzman7, I have 130 CD'S ripped to lossless FLAC with JRiver.  I suppose with Qobuz, ripped CD's could be considered redundant.  Actually, I find the FLAC streaming at Radio Paradise to be very satisfying in terms of sound quality, curated playlists (now three streams.) and expanding my awareness.

Lots of interesting reading ahead.   Several promising paths. Any further advice is welcomed.  I'll share my final plan for critique.

Just to wrap, after some research, I'm going with the Lumin U1 Mini streamer because:
1) never saw a negative comment
2) handles all formats.
3) high-quality parts
4) can use my Android tablet
5) the Lumin Apps are considered stable and good
6) largely same performance of significantly more expensive U1 without carved chassis and external LPS.
7) I can go full audiophile by buying the sBooster external linear linear power supply adapter kit (phase 2)
8) It seems like an end-game streamer for me.
9) I want to be able to upgrade DACs in the future.
10 built-in support for the digital sources I want.

The only negative is that It wants an Ethernet connection by default,  but my router is only 10 feet from stereo.  Well, there's also the $2000 cost, but seems justified.


Thanks again  for the help.