How can we hear the difference in cables in a bad room?

Hi after spending the last months measuring my room with REW and reading about room acoustic in small rooms.
I began to wonder how we can hear differences in equipment when the frequency respons in most rooms are bad.

Just think about it! a power cable - why can you hear a difference? is it a timing issue, noise? are the human hearing much more sensitiv to delay / phase issues than frequencies.

If you have knowledge in this area then I would love to be educated (:

Happy new year to all of you. 

I encourage everyone who is interested to actually do some research instead of knee-jerk responding to a topic brand new to them.

Erik, +1.

It is no different from other sensory fields. You can read a book just fine under the imperceptibly flickering light, as your eye works hard to position for the text you want to read, while the flickering causes it to overshoot and undershoot position, placing extra burden on image processing, and on the extraocular muscles, leading to early fatigue, and for some people, headaches.

To the op, whether one believes cables make a difference or not, what you would be "detecting" is a difference. That does not mean you have made your system good, just different. Better of course does not mean good. I think you can use your own judgment on whether many of the audio adjectives and effects assigned to a particular cable type are viable.

Miller, you may get more traction with your posts if you didn’t start them by extolling your personal perfection while insulting everyone else. To be honest, after this paragraph, I didn’t read anything else in that post:

While the rest are enjoying arguing about why I’m enjoying sounds they can only dream of. Actually maybe not even dream. If their imagination is as stifled as their intellect that would stand to reason.

Here are a couple of books I like. Robert Harley’s "The Complete Guild to High-End Audio" fifth edition.

Highly recommended!
@martin-andersen - the answer to your original question...
Hi after spending the last months measuring my room with REW and reading about room acoustic in small rooms.
I began to wonder how we can hear differences in equipment when the frequency respons in most rooms are bad.


So - treat your room to some sound absorbing or deflection panels before you even start with cables of any type. You may also need bass traps

Once room anomalies have been dealt with then you can start with cables. Otherwise the subtleties of cable experimentation will be significantly more difficult to discern and prone to poor choices

BUT WAIT ! - are ALL your components capable of resolving to the same level ???

If not, replace components that you suspect are of a lower resolution
- errrrr - isn’t that a bit rash???...
- YEP !!!, but that is the approach of many audiophiles

However - many of todays lower priced components are very good BUT severely limited by their own power supplies.

This is where the power cables come into play...

After experimenting with several of my "budget" source components
- I ( AND OTHERS) have observed that significantly better performance is attainable simply by upgrading the power cable on budget components.

As an example - I replaced the power cable on my $300 mini system and my Bluesound Pulse Mini remote speaker and achieved a significant improvement in dynamics, image and bass performance.

The Pulse Mini endeavour was a particular "triumph" because it was conducted in the audio store where I purchased it and the resulting improvements were observed by the owner of the store an his staff, who all could not believe such improvements could be attributed to a simple power cable upgrade.

Once you have the treatments and power cables taken care of then you may stand a chance at hearing the more subtle improvements other cables may make in your system.

I liken power cables to the "plumbing" in your home - without great plumbing, what comes out of the tap is only a fraction of what is actually possible.

I will add that components that contain very good power supplies (like amps) will need extremely good power cables in order to hear a similar level of improvement, whereas, a component with a lessor quality power supply and only a reasonably good power cable may be attributed with a more discernable improvement.

Implementing a single model/make of power cable for all components may not be the best way to invest your hard earned money. 

So choose your power cables wisely.
Hope that helps - Steve

+1 Steve @williewonka 

I will add that components that contain very good power supplies (like amps) will need extremely good power cables in order to hear a similar level of improvement, whereas, a component with a lessor quality power supply and only a reasonably good power cable may be attributed with a more discernable improvement.

For making the point that even top level equipment benefits from good power and good power cables.