Bryston's BP-26 vs 17 cubed

I’m curious if anyone has done a serious comparison of Bryston’s BP-26 and the 17 cubed? I have been demoing the 17 cubed for approx. 40 hours now. Previous preamp was Classe’ Sigma SSP. My other gear consists of Joseph Audio Pearl 20/20, Classe’ CAM-600, PS Audio Memory player and Directstream Senior. I like the 17 and will be demoing the 26 towards the end of the month. The 17 has a nice warmth to it without sounding too syrupy. From what I have gathered the 26 will have more punch towards the base mid-range, and perhaps more detail? I have narrowed it down to either of these two units, not interested in other preamp suggestions. If anyone can shed some insight into this it will be greatly appreciated.
The salesman from Audioadvisor said he would get the BP-17. I got mine closer to home
I spoke with AudioAdviser, not many dealers have the 26 in stock, they have to be made. I'm liking what I hear with this 17 I'm demoing. Just want to make sure, hence, this is why I'm demoing a 26 at the end of the month. Everyone who I have spoke with who knows the 26 say very upfront, and detailed. My system is extremely revealing, so it will be fun to hear both pieces of gear. What speakers are you using? Also what is your power source with the 17? Thanks for your input...John
I have a used BP-26 and MPS-2 and really like them.  Sorry no comparison to the 17 cubed but I paid 2300 for the pair and are 10 years old with another 10 to go.  I don't want warmth in my gear I can put on a sweater if cold. 
Thanks Gammonit, I'm looking forward in comparing the 2 units. I don't like an overly warm sound either. It sounds as though the 26 has incredible detail and transparency, which isn't such a bad thing. I won't have the 26 here for another few weeks, its being made at Bryston. I'll chime back when I can share the difference.What amp are you using with your 26? I have about 50 hours of listening so far on the 17 so I'll be able give both units a fair audition...John