Polarity Conundrum

I recently bought an Audio Research LS-15 preamp and an Accuphase P-450 power amp from other Audiogoners. They will be connected via the balanced XLR ins/outs, but the polarity scheme is the opposite in each piece. The LS-15 is Ground/Positive/Negative, the P-450 is Ground/Negative Positive. Someone(s) on another thread suggested that the simple way to address this polarity inversion is by swapping the speaker leads to the amp to the opposite connectors.
Instead of positive to positive, you go positive to negative/negative to positive on the amp's output terminals. Can it be that simple? The Audio Research manual says to contact them when this situation is encountered, but if this simple fix will work, I'm all for it. What say you guys?
Yes, it’s that simple, assuming two things:

1) Most importantly, this assumes that the speakers are passive, e.g. they do not include built-in amplification, and that powered subwoofers are not connected to the amp outputs. In either of those cases it might not be safe to connect the + output of the amp to the - input terminal of the speaker or sub.

2) It assumes that the polarities of your source components conform to the usual USA convention of pin 2 positive and pin 3 negative in the case of XLR outputs, or that the source components are not polarity inverting in the case of RCA outputs. Otherwise interchanging + and - at the amp outputs would be introducing a polarity inversion, rather than correcting for one, since having two polarity inversions in the signal path results in correct overall polarity.

Finally, some will argue that whether or not you interchange the + and - connections at the amp outputs is unlikely to have much if any audible significance. And IMO they would be correct in the case of many and probably most recordings, but not all recordings.

-- Al
Its reasonable to think you want your system to play with the correct polarity but not all recording are mixed with the correct polarity.  So it is hard to know what you are listening too.  According to this site 92% of CDs are inverted polarity.  I guess you can look at their list and swap your speaker cables for the various albums before you play it.    Or you can not worry about it and enjoy the music.

Thanks for the responses....the one source that I'll also have connected via XLRs has the US-version polarity arrangement, so that helps rather than hurts the situation. My speakers are passive and I am using a sub, but it is connected directly to preamp outputs on the LS-15. My head tells me to reverse polarity at the amp outputs, but my gut says to wire as normal and see how that sounds first. It doesn't help that I haven't had the speakers I'm using (Vandersteen 3As) very long, so discerning any subtle differences, if any, may be difficult.