Rhodes, this type of treatment will reduce echo above around 250 Hz and will greatly reduce blare in large public rooms. Use for Hi Fi has to be far more selective or you will do more harm than good. There are many manufacturers of sound absorption panels. It really becomes a matter of what you think looks best. I use cheap architectural foam tiles like these
The first thing you have to do is locate your early reflection points on the front and side walls. Dampen one pair at a time. I usually start with the front wall ones. You find the reflection points using the mirror method.
These tiles are dirt cheap. You can tack them up and move them around to develop a strategy. Then if you want something more decorative you will know what size panels to get and where to put them.
The first thing you have to do is locate your early reflection points on the front and side walls. Dampen one pair at a time. I usually start with the front wall ones. You find the reflection points using the mirror method.
These tiles are dirt cheap. You can tack them up and move them around to develop a strategy. Then if you want something more decorative you will know what size panels to get and where to put them.