Duke LeJeune is Da Man. Aka Audiokinesis, he has done more for this than anyone, which this will probably instigate a reaction owing to the fact his one fault is being blessed with an overabundance of modesty.
Seriously though the research goes back to Dr Earl Geddes, and another whose name eludes me just now. Anyway, point being what Newton said, if we seem to see far it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants. These guys did the heavy lifting, the down and dirty grunt work of painstakingly measuring actual room modes in actual rooms with different numbers of actual subs in different locations. And then as if that was not enough they applied the brain power to first work out and then ultimately demonstrate- prove!- just how well lots of subs really does work.
Duke however is so much a part of the whole thing that not only did I learn about this from him here, but when I went looking for Swarm type subs and was able to find only two systems on the market, it turned out the other one was designed by Duke as well!
Anyway, congratulations! You did the research, asked the questions, learned what needed to be learned, and then had the courage to buck the trend and the trolls and do what's right. Good for you. Enjoy!
Seriously though the research goes back to Dr Earl Geddes, and another whose name eludes me just now. Anyway, point being what Newton said, if we seem to see far it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants. These guys did the heavy lifting, the down and dirty grunt work of painstakingly measuring actual room modes in actual rooms with different numbers of actual subs in different locations. And then as if that was not enough they applied the brain power to first work out and then ultimately demonstrate- prove!- just how well lots of subs really does work.
Duke however is so much a part of the whole thing that not only did I learn about this from him here, but when I went looking for Swarm type subs and was able to find only two systems on the market, it turned out the other one was designed by Duke as well!
Anyway, congratulations! You did the research, asked the questions, learned what needed to be learned, and then had the courage to buck the trend and the trolls and do what's right. Good for you. Enjoy!