Hana SL or ML?

I am currently running a Hana EL cartridge with an Acoustic Solid turntable and Jelco tonearm. Phono stage is Sim Audio. I am wondering whether to go to SL from EL or go up to ML directly. 

Anyone had experience running both SL and ML carts here? Going to ML, is that significantly better than the SL?

Thanks in advance! 
I have tried them both and felt the SL was the better value.  Although the ML is quite a bit heavier (9.5 grams) than the SL (5 grams) the compliance is identical and the sonics nearly the same to my ear.  The ML tracks slightly better.  Used them both on a Kuzma Stogi S arm.
I have the Hana EL and SL ,enjoyed both carts  but the SL is a step up never tried the ML 
Has anyone compared the low-output vs. the high output versions? 

I was considering the SH vs a Dynavector 10X5 Mk2 or the MH vs. a Dynavector DV20X2
All I can say is you are probably barking up the right tree.. Got the SL after multiple carts... Including some of the DVs (which were good to my ears too)... No longer looking... Love the Hana. 

The NZ forum I subscribe to have been comparing the SL and ML, the ML wins in terms of sonics apparently. I haven’t experienced the ML in my own system though. I have an SL here and it definitely likes cartridge loading above 2k ohms to open out the soundstage. It needs quite a few hours to run in. It’s a lovely warm sounding cartridge, and VTA is critical with the shibata stylus. However in my system (Garrard 401, The Wand tonearm) the Dynavector XX2 Mk2 is quite a bit more musical and transparent. My friend prefers the ML over the SL as it takes better to lower loading impedances such as found with typical MC stepup transformers.