Salk bookshelf or Dynaudio bookshelf? Or something else?

Hi folks,

I'm considering Salk speakers but may not have them close enough to audition them.
Could anyone compare the bookshelves with my current leading prospect, the Dynaudio Evoke 10 or Special 40?

Here are some facts that relate to my situation:

ROOM: either 13x10 ft; 7 ft ceilings or 15 x 27ft w/10 ft ceilings.
POWER: Adcom separates (535L 60w/ch. with GTP 400 preamp)
MUSIC TASTES: mostly jazz and classical but a fair amount of rock.

CURRENT SPEAKER MOST LIKELY TO BUY: Dynaudio Evoke 10 or Special 40

SongSurround I
SongSurround Plus
Supercharged SongSurround

Focal 906
B&W bookshelf (I forget the number)
Dali Oberon
Elacs of any kind
Martin Logan

Finally, has anyone tried the Salk 30 day trial for bookshelves? What did that cost in shipping, overall? (A rough estimate is fine.)

Thanks again for your time and insight.

Best wishes,

David in Denver

P.S. There are Totems in the area but I have not heard them yet.
What are your current speakers? Perhaps they're fine. The Adcom components won't do the Dynaudio speakers justice. In my opinion, unless your current speakers are really hurting, I'd upgrade to a quality integrated amp versus the old Adcom separates.
The Adcoms are a bit long in the tooth, though excellent value for money in their day.

If you go Dynaudio, the 40s will be better than the Evokes.

Dynaudio and Salk are both very good; though if I were looking at monitors, I'd be seriously thinking about Fritz or Buchardt.
Thanks for the advice. I’ll look into those other speakers and reconsider my Adcom stuff. 
I did like the 40s a lot but they’re double the money. But if amp can’t do them justice, what’s the point!

My main speakers are older AR 48s and small, also old, Pinnacle PN5+. 
I’ve got old stuff, clearly, and they need to be refreshed. They sound decent, but...

maybe it’s just a midlife thing... ;-)
Thanks for the extra information. Unfortunately, I'm not up on vintage speakers, so I'm unable to offer an opinion on either of those speakers.