Need a line stage preamp

My Acurus LS11 line stage preamp (early 90’s vintage) seems on its way out.  Or I think so.  I’m noticing that the right channel doesn’t seem as “peppy” as the left channel.  I’ve deduced this through various tests and I’m left with my diagnosis.

that being said, I like this little preamp, and I could send it somewhere to be fixed. On the other hand, I could also buy a new or used preamp, but the “law” has laid down the law and she’s nixing anymore serious spending. 
FYI, I use the preamp to run an ARC Classic 60 amp.

My budget is only $500, so unless I can find an equivalent pre I’ll be forced fix it. The question is who does good electronic testing and repair or can anyone suggest an equivalent component?
Not a lot I know of personally for $500 that are worthy of your amp, as it’s too bad you can’t stretch a little more as you have a nice amp. If I was looking for something in your budget I’d research the Schiit Saga+, if it is compatible with your Classic 60. I would be surprised if the little Schiit doesn’t easily keep up with your Acurus. Years ago I worked at store that sold Acurus along with Aragon and the Acurus was pretty good for the money, but that being said if you can find the big brother, Aragon Aurum w/Ingot power supply that would be a big step up and just checking online on another similar site there’s one out there for sale close to your budget.
Maybe a used ARC LS3. I also have a Saga, but you probably want something with some gain.
Me personally,at your budget,I would only purchase used. You'd get more bang for your buck.
Keep in mind that the input impedance of the Freya S is only 10K, which is too low to be optimal with many tube-based source components.

Also, as Coach pointed out the two versions of the Saga do not provide any gain, while also having a 10K input impedance.  Your LS11, btw, provides 18.8 db of gain, so with either version of the Saga you would be operating the volume control at far higher settings, while possibly even running out of range on the control especially if you have a phono-based source.

The Antique Sound Lab line stage I linked to, btw, provides gain of about 22 db, just a bit higher than the gain of your LS11, while having an input impedance of 100K.

-- Al