Frog , you have to be one hell of player to be that lyrical on a guitar !
My only interest in the Beatles is I kept hearing from people who should know that others wrote their music . Don’t lose any sleep over it .
I did like "Norwegian Wood " .
I don’t knock their music but when I was working all hours I sure wasn’t going take the hour or two I had to listen to them over Bach , Brahms or Schubert .
rok , I bought that Hunter album on advice from guy at record store . Went back next day on my advice and bought two more . Still got ém ! Down low with a touch of class ......At a 99 she could drop bye my house .
My only interest in the Beatles is I kept hearing from people who should know that others wrote their music . Don’t lose any sleep over it .
I did like "Norwegian Wood " .
I don’t knock their music but when I was working all hours I sure wasn’t going take the hour or two I had to listen to them over Bach , Brahms or Schubert .
rok , I bought that Hunter album on advice from guy at record store . Went back next day on my advice and bought two more . Still got ém ! Down low with a touch of class ......At a 99 she could drop bye my house .