Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?

Is there a difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables, or purely in the implementation?
@audiozenology, perhaps if you speak from empirical evidence doing comparison on your own and say you perceive no difference, then your comment may lend some credibility but just stating theory from science book or wherever makes you fall into the same bucket of cynics.  

grannyring"I have built and sold USB cables for years trying all manner of conductors. Easy to hear the sonic character of pure silver vs. pure copper conductors in identical designs"

And that is the problem with those who have never undertaken such a task, chore, or effort they "surmise" from an elemental, basic, introductory text or from intuition or from a wikipedia or other internet "source" that such is not possible so they assert, argue, and insist that it is not possible but have never actually experienced that upon which they pronounce such unilateral, definitive, absolute conclusions and I therefore give you credit for "rolling up you’re sleeves" as Americans would say and actually doing some work!
If one doesn’t honor the inherent directionality of wire and cryogenically treat the wire then he cannot compete in today’s marketplace. In fact he can’t compete in yesterday’s marketplace.

I have lost count of the number of times I have "tested" things that have "obvious claimed differences", usually by the person standing in the room extolling those virtues, only to have them disappear when the ability to know what they are listening to also disappears. Silver over copper is one of those things that never lives up to its claims.

I am not a cynic, I am a realist with knowledge and experience. I am as likely to call out the so called snake oil vendors as I am to call out the "always cynics".

I will quote twoleftears as he is bang on. 
"and that carrying over to digital conventional associations of copper vs. silver in analog situations is spurious."

There is 0 reason for any of the qualities associated with silver, most specious at best with analog, to carry over to digital. 

If I wanted to be "cynical", I would question audiophiles on one had extolling the uber importance of dielectric and construction, and hence we must use teflon (though expanded polypropylene has a lower dielectric .. i.e. less energy stored), then the next sentence they will extol the virtue of natural dielectrics like cotton, which has a dielectric constant that can vary from 1.5x teflons value to 7-8x and is highly dependent on humidity and frequency, not to mention lack of manufacturing consistency, large impurities variations, etc.  When you attempt to have your cake and eat it too, it puts into question the validity of your reported results.
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