Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
When it comes to true Jim Thiel designed models with first order slopes/coherent source CS models I imagine the 3.7 is the ‘best’ model or top of the heap. 
After the 3.7......what is most desirable?
2.3 or 2.4?
1.5 or 1.6?

these are the most reasonable sized models and I’m talking using in a normal sized room. 
Thanks for comments as I’d really like to own a pair of Thiels at some point and 3.7 is a bit too large. 
jafant, it was sold as a nominally 100wpc stereo power amp.  Steve McCormack's estimates of mine is 125/250/500 wpc 20-20k@<1% THD into 8/4/2 ohms, absolute stability into 1 ohm, and as much as 60A peak current delivery depending on the measurement technique. 

Most of this power improvement comes from barely fitting in the custom Plitron power transformer designed for the DNA1 upgrade. 

Overall negative feedback has been reduced to 3-4dB (which is nearly zero by today's standards) and it will pass DC (at a much reduced level, and hopefully not) to the outputs all the way up to a 250kHz -3dB point, intentionally rolled-off to prevent ultrasonic issues...
Thank You for those measurements.  Your amp is plenty powerful w/ 60A peak current on board.

Happy Listening!
Try to score an audition with a pair of CS 2.4 loudspeakers. This model will fit nicely into a medium/normal sized room.
Happy Listening!