Another marketing gimmick?

Put micro sized components in a glass structure that resembles a vacuum tube?

Im thinking pure aesthetics were the goal here. No need to put those "advances" mosfets in a glass tube?

I guess someone will buy it.
How does it sound?  Why care about the looks, different yes, effective?  Would like to hear one.....I don't have the money to buy it.  Would still like to hear one with Magnepans.
Check out ocd hifi guy 
On YouTube he has videos of these amps playing through Maggie's
I have heard that amp, and in the system it was used it was exceptional. However, to make a firm judgment I would have to review it, that is, compare directly with several other amps. That, alone, would tell, as opposed to speculation. 

It is easy to be overawed by a novel design, but performance tells the truth. The only way to do so is compare. 

Anything new, unusual, etc. will draw criticism. The proof is in performance (and of course, dependability). I am reviewing a speaker that I'm sure many would mock due to appearance, but the performance is no laughing matter. Thankfully, I was not foolish enough to disregard the speaker due to its appearance only, or else I wouldn't be enjoying its surprisingly High End characteristics (And, yes, that is in comparison to other speakers). Sorry, no disclosure now; you'll have to wait for the review.  :) 

I cannot speak for the actual technical validity of the amp's circuit, but it is not unusual for nouveau methods and technology to be ridiculed, even when it outperforms. When a new and better technology appears the Old Guard fights because it means loss of popularity, sales, etc.