Magico - a new Mini?

I was looking at their website to read the reviews and noticed that they don't list the Mini 2 in the Product section. They do list a new Q3 model.
Does anyone know if their is a new Mini replacement coming out?
thanks for the information. While aluminum may be more neutral sounding there are a number of us who like the wood/metal combination look and find it more fitting in a home environment where you can't have a dedicated room. But I understand Wolf's perfectionist drive and I can't argue with that!
It's funny how the Q3 resembles my old Eggleston Rosa which I replaced with the Mini II. The Egglestons had a similar aesthetic to the Q3 - black floor standing monoliths (granite sides) with five drivers on the front baffle,. They were narrow and deep and sloped back. I liked the look, but prefer the look of the Mini IIs. Now that I'm living with the smaller wooden cabinet Mini in my formal living room, it will be hard to go back to a black monolithic look. Of course, sonics trumps aesthetics, so time will tell.
MAGICO MINI 2 No more they will be coming out with another overpriced speaker instead.