Best amp to drive Wilson Yvette’s

I currently am looking for the right amp to pair with Wilson Yvette’s. I currently have a Pass 250.8. I think I’m looking for more headroom than what the Pass 250.8 can offer. 
I look forward to any thoughts or insights. 
How about an integrated? The ARC and Luxman integrateds are in that price range and do a pretty good job. :)

Thanks 4425. 
I guess I’m struggling why the Luxman m900u or Ref 75se would be any better and with more headroom than the Pass Labs I have now. Would love any insight. 
I appreciate the feedback!
Op when you say headroom what does that mean exactly, are you clipping the amp? Or are you looking for a more lively sound?

The Pass amplifiers are a little dark sounding so depending on your setup you may be looking for a more exciting sound then you are getting now.

You may be turning up the system to hear more detail so you need to evaluate all of your requirements.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I find the Luxman and Ayre have a very different sound than the Pass, especially in the bass.

Really suggest you listen though, my opinions here are not shared by many.
I would second the Vitus if you can find one used. The best I have ever heard Wilsons sound was with tubes, but the system ran out of gas very quickly due to the low power of the Lamm amp in the system. Low level detail was exceptional on this system.

Audiovalve makes some higher powered tube amps that are really good.