Why are brick and mortar HiFi dealers so bad?

I have rarely found a reasonably decent HiFi dealer and I live in the New York metro area where there are probably more per capita than anywhere else.  I've been to a lot of shops and I'm tired of the smug attitudes, the lousy customer service, weird return policies, etc.  Friends state that the owners are jaded because people come in and listen to a bunch of gear and then go buy it elsewhere or pre-owned on web sites like Audiogon.  If that is the case, figure out a better sales strategy or shutter your store.  I've moved onto Music Direct and Audio Advisor and Upscale Audio.  Buy it and try it on your own system in your own listening room with a money-back guarantee.  If you know a decent HiFi retailer, please pass it along.
NOW, This is the sort of info that 'we' as dedicated audiosorts need to know. *S*  And I'll thank y'all for it....

(Some may say 'demented', but they haven't drunk the Kool-Aid...so they can wallow in whatever chilly puddle of 'bleah* they 'approve' of..*disturbed obscure laughter*)

'Scuse....I'm subject to odd fits...;)

Look....This is Wonderful Info for All of Us.  If anyone within the view of these posts has the inclination and the time to compile all of this data of these 'True Believers', these gentlemen (and ladies; I try hard not to be sexist about this or that) that put their beliefs into brick & mortar...

Please, DO!

Collect these comments.  Start a forum.  'Do' a website; or find one that exists already, update/add to it, and spread the link/location of it....

I'd love to do such, but I'm a co-owner with spouse of a business that absorbs the bulk of my time.  'Real life concerns' gobble up the balance; which we're all pretty familiar with that daily trudge....

"Jer, the dog just puked on the bed...I'm doing dinner and listening to The Food Channel's (*X*).  Can you deal with it?  Oh, and the stove has f'd up again...."

I'm positive that y'all are familiar with The Drill.  Or something like it...;)

But...it'd be fantastic if one or some would or could 'do' a compilation of B&M dealers of the equipment that strokes our desires. *S*

Make it simple so anyone could add/update, add a comment, provide an address/website/email/phone/hours/name(s)/in stock/displayed....

If you don't want our 'predilection' to 'dinosaur' into oblivion, if you want our desire to make 'Real Audio Reproduction' to devolve into ear buds 'n cells....

Somebody, Please....Grab this flag, and head uphill.
An 'audio' Iwo Jima Moment.

YOU could be The Guy.

A co-worker of some decades ago was related to one of those brave men.  I opined that he must be immensely proud of him.

His comment:
"They just wanted to make a Point of it, and went back to staying alive!"

Another was the son of one who got marched into the site of the first nuke test blast site in the U.S. desert.
He (at the time...Now? Likely dead) was the last remaining survivor of that idiocy.  The rest dead, due to radiation exposure...)

(I've been, for rationale unrealized, exposed to these people, and their legacies...but I'll take it as a huge hint of sorts....)

If I can take this comment/exhortation/plea to inspire/infect Anyone to do more that bitch 'n whine....

After all...y'all would cringe if a 'oddball troll' like yours truly ended up doing it for y'all.

You'd squirm anytime you'd access it.

I already have a concept that y'all will Love.  Wait for it. *G*

And 'love/hate' is already impressed into the commentary of the equipment and approaches 'discussed' in these 'lectric lanes.

Surprise Us.
Pardon...but I'm 'constructively pissed'.

As noted, 'subject to fits'.....;)
yes, Bert at Seattle HiFi for sure, he and Gorgon who sells gear for him BOTH have good ears and are excellent to deal with on many levels.

not sure if Connon at Tune is still engaged, I hope so as he is tech savvy in the ways of NAIM and also has a good ear and sensibility about him. He got my Unitiserve to backup when the factory support team failed for years !!!!!
Excel in Newport Beach is on my visit list, for sure. I only hear good things....
A lot of audiophiles on Long Island know that Sound  Insight has its main store in Huntington, New York and has a dedicated high-end showroom located in Massapequa New York where we feature our reference system from Pass Labs, Lampizator, GT Audio Works speakers, Synergistic Research, Triode Wire Labs, etc.-  Please contact Steve to arrange an audition. (516) 695-1798.
Please visit our Facebook page and feel free to like us.