First Moving Coil (MC) Cartridge Acquisition

I have been listening to MM carts my whole life. I am interested in dipping my toes into the MC stream to see what sonic improvements can be had. I am looking for recommendations in the $1K range. Currently, I am running an Ortofon 2M Black and Shure JICO MM. Turntable is a Merrill Super 12 Polytable, Jelco 750 tonearm, into a Herron VTPH-2A phono stage and Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2 integrated.

I would appreciate any recommendations. I am entertaining Hana MC carts or something with .5mV or higher as I don’t want to get a SUT. Please provide any feedback on the Hana that A’goners have employed.
I recently replaced my Ortofon 2M Black with Hana MH on a VPI Scout 1.1. Much smoother presentation with the Hana and much less surface noise and tics and pops less noticeable on used LPs. Detail from both cartridges is comparable however.  
Soundsmith has a few that you would be wise to check out. I've had all MC over the years but my next cart will be a Soundsmith for sure. If you're the least bit technical minded then watch Peter Ledermann explain phono cartridges
and even if you're not, just look at the photo at 25:13 and realize that's a very small MC on the left, Soundsmiths BIGGEST on the right. That right there is huge. 

I have the same Herron. You do not need .5mV or higher. My Koetsu Black Goldline is .4mV and works beautifully. Many of the Soundsmith are .4mV as well.
millercarbon: Are you referencing Soundsmith's Moving Iron offerings?  Those are intriguing. I would appreciate any feedback from people moving from MM or MC to a MI. I want to make the greatest improvement possible from MM within my budget.