This is all hearsay, and is mostly conjecture on my part, but I heard from a fellow Magico Mini II owner who was told by a dealer that Wolf had a quality control issue with the Birch ply enclosures. The top veneer cracks at the inside corners where it meets the aluminum baffle. I have seen this on two Mini's and apparently the dealer had to send back both of his demo pairs for this repair. Mine are fine, and I haven't heard of that happening to others, but Wolf is such a perfectionist, that I can believe something like that would drive him crazy. The horizontal layers also move with temperature changes. I've noticed this on my pair here in the Northeast and I'm sure this happens to all solid wood speakers, MDF less so. I also heard that the wood enclosures are made in Europe at great expense. The aluminum moves also, but less so and I think the costs are lower as it is all made in house now.
I agree with you on the Q1. I love the looks of the other aluminum/wood Magico speakers.