Question about TT Power Connections


So I currently have a Denon DP-300f TT with Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge. It's running fine and I quite enjoy it but now am in the process of researching some new tables as I would like to upgrade.

So while I am researching different aspects of what makes a good turntable, one feature that I thought for sure I wanted and did not need to second guess is the power connection. Up until now, I thought a IEC type connection would be the best for a TT especially since you have the option of getting a better cable in the future.

But I read a comment somewhere (granted it was just one comment but just enough to make me second guess this) stating basically that IEC is not a good option for TT's.

Now I know some really more expensive TT's have a separate power unit but that starts to get into a range that is out of my budget. The max I might spend is up to $2500 and that's getting pretty crazy for me.

I was under the impression wall wart type plugs are not ideal for TT's.

So basically I want to ask what is the ideal type of connection for TT's when it comes to power?

Some of the tables that I am considering is:

- Music Hall mmf-7.3
- Rega Planar 6
- Mofi Ultradeck

Following up on my previous post, I'm not sure you'd need a speed box with the 7.3.  I think that speed control may be built into that motor.  
The optional Rega PSU external power supply for the Planar 3 and up, is a significant upgrade over the included wall wart. It generates a far cleaner sine wave, as just using the local utility generated wave. A side benefit is that you also gain the ability to switch speeds with the push of a button.
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
I am going to review it all. Seems like the tables that I am looking at, I should be safe with them and get good performance out of them.
I've been sick all week and could not reply earlier, so sorry for the delayed response.