Something is missing

Hi guys My set up has
Rotel RA1952
Focal Aria 948's
Sony Hap z1 est.
Music Hall Ikura TT

Imaging and soundstage is good but it seems like I am missing some attack or dynamics. Cables are not exotic but decent. Interested in any thoughts. Thanks
Room is about 18 wide and 35 long  sitting position is about 12 back with speakers 12 apart and toed in slightly. I did hook up a pair of REL S3 subs. But still did not fix to my liking floor is hardwood
Don’t go the fuse route. That isn’t your problem. That would be the last thing to upgrade when you have money to burn/throw away.

You can get better sound by connecting a good external DAC to the Z1.  Also, I had the same Rotel that you have and wasn't impressed with the sound and sold it.  That may not be your problem though as many people are very happy with it.
If there was an easy answer this wouldn’t be a hobby. It’s also why there’s such a thing as audio nervosa. Nobody said it was going to be easy. 😩
Are you experiencing the same sound with both sources? I would look at two things your phono amp, the one in your Rotel may not be that good, and as suggested above an external Dac for your Sony.  Possibly even look at replacing the Rotel.