Not too freaky at all.... It is just that I was too lazy to try it at this time...And if you read my thread you know that I dont lack tweaks to try, I was very busy with my own tweak indeed...
I want to try springs for example but cannot try it now without dismantling my own mechanical platform and heavy speakers under weight with resonators on top :) … I will certainly try springs in the next year...This product and idea of yours is certainly very good and simple to add with my sorbothane sandwich...But it is absolutely not weird is it a problem? Not at all... :)
I had tried in the past some few weird tweaks on the same level of weirdness than the "photos in the freezer" with no great success and I will not speak about because I dont like controversy... The photo in the freezer is fun thing to try at least...
There is a power scale about the effects produced by tweaks, weird or not, and some tweaks, weird or not, has a small audible effects, near placebo, like my adding of the fluorite to the S.G. was at first listening, before I add a passive antenna to this stone ( this is weird no?) and that makes the audible effect clearly not small and not placebo … I dont feel the urge to try all tweaks the same month also … Even if they are free... :)
By the way a stone grid passively cabled with antennas is surely only a rung under the "photos in the freezer" on the scale of freaky tweaks...Hell-looo!! Like you sometimes say , and I add a letter " L" to be more precise... :)
Like always my best to you...