ACDC Back in Black.

Why is this recording so shrill and lacking bottom? I can't turn it up loud.what What were the engineers thinking? I have no problem with playing other artists LOUD!! I mean loud but ACDC is like fingernails on a chalk board. I lost a long post and rewriting some of it. Great ones are Black Sabbaths first 2, Led Zep 1, Bachman Turner Overdrive, who's next, the Doobie Brothers, Fleetwood Mac ,Santana debut, Bostons Debut and on and on and on. All full balanced recordings. I think I have reached the point in equipment upgrades that it has become too resolving and revealing to enjoy some recordings loud. Am I alone on this? Does ACDC sound good loud ? I have TOTL Bryston and Marantz gear and OHM 5000s. I guess this is a recording that would be best heard on tubes.
I have a box set (vinyl) from well over 10 years ago and all of the lps except for the dbl live sound great!
ACDC's Stiff Upper Lip CD sounded REAL GOOD when heard through the Ohm Sound Cylinders/Carver TFM15cb!
Two reasons AC/DC albums sound so good is 1- drummer Phil Rudd tunes his tubs really well, deep and "thumpy", and 2- producer Mutt Lange and his engineers really know how to get a good drum sound---fat and punchy. AC/DC is what a hard Rock band is suppose to sound like! In the early 80's I woke up the band house every morning with "Hells Bells" on 11. ;-)
I prefer Bon Scott to the guy who replaced him so I vote for the 70’s live album “If you want blood you got it,” which is a great sounding album. Note use of word album in these highly charged and biased times. 
I just played mine the other day and it still sounds great.  I was playing around with cartridge loading and wanted to see if my table was ready to rock, and was not disappointed.