I emailed Qobuz today, AGAIN, and asked if they have any updated NEWS from their Developers regarding the release of the Qobuz sort API. The Qobuz sort API is taking a long time to be developed AND I am still waiting. For example:
1) Their November 6th, 2019 email says "I'm walking this question over to the API team now. I'll be back in touch when I have heard more information about this".
2) Their August 15th, 2019 email says "Our API is completely revamping the whole system in order to provide first in class metadata to our third party partners. I don't have a time line for you outside of early Fall 2019. I wish I could provide you with more information about it”.
3) Their July 12th, 2019 email says "I hope we can get this rolled out for you and all of our users in the very near future”.
Once Qobuz completes the Qobuz SORT API, the Aurender Developers have to implement it for my Aurender N10 Music Server. Qobuz sort options by Artist name is a HIGH priority feature and needs to be implemented. I find my albums by artist name so sort options are required.