Quobuz issues on the Bluos app

I just finished a comparison between Tidal, Amazon HD, and Quobuz. Quobuz came out the winner, but not without some reservations.

I find that the SQ of Quobuz is slightly better than the other two, both in standard cd quality files and hi-rez. And I like the price of Quobuz when compared to Tidal. Price was a wash with Amazon HD.

But here is what I don’t like about Quobuz. Their catalog clearly lags behind Amazon and Tidal. I know they are working to make this better, but there are some obscure titles that I can find in Tidal that I’m not sure Quobuz will ever have. And no, I’m not going to pay for two streaming services. The other thing is that in the Bluos app, you cannot index your music by artist, album or alphabetically. The order of your library is the order that you save them as your favorites. Unless I am missing something, you cannot alphabetize in any fashion at all. I have contacted Bluos support and Quobuz support, but all I get is a lot of finger pointing at each other.

My question is twofold. Has anyone figured out a way to index their library that I might have overlooked. Secondly, I assume that if I go with a different streamer like Lumin, Auralic, etc., that this issue won’t exist?


Qobuz also doesn't list top songs by artist in BluOS which is a deal breaker for me.  You have to search the song specifically or know which album it's on.  

I'm not convinced that SQ is really that different when we're clearly biased towards the one we think should be better in our minds.
I love the interface between the Bluesound OS system and Tidal.  I also like MQA dispite what others in this group think.
I emailed Qobuz today, AGAIN, and asked if they have any updated NEWS from their Developers regarding the release of the Qobuz sort API.   The Qobuz sort API is taking a  long time to be developed AND I am still waiting.  For example:

1) Their November 6th, 2019 email says "I'm walking this question over to the API team now. I'll be back in touch when I have heard more information about this".  

2) Their August 15th, 2019 email says "Our API is completely revamping the whole system in order to provide first in class metadata to our third party partners. I don't have a time line for you outside of early Fall 2019. I wish I could provide you with more information about it”.

3)  Their July 12th, 2019 email says "I hope we can get this rolled out for you and all of our users in the very near future”.

Once Qobuz completes the Qobuz SORT API, the Aurender Developers have to implement it for my Aurender N10 Music Server.   Qobuz sort options by Artist name is a HIGH priority feature and needs to be implemented.   I find my albums by artist name so sort options are required.  
I received the following response from Qobuz Customer Support regarding my above Sort API question:

"I appreciate you bringing this back to my attention. Unfortunately I do NOT have any updates for you regarding the SORT API as of right now".