New tube preamp


I'm thinking of replacing my PS Audio BHK Signature preamp and was wondering if anyone has listened to the Supratek Cabernet 6SN7 and or the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl preamps or the LTA MZ3, from what I've read the preamp in both of the LTA's are identical. Both are very reasonably priced (under $5000.00) and both are tube designs. For the money they are both supposed to be giant killers. Thank you.

and they call this an audiophile forum...Sounds like stock 12au7's to me. swap the tubes to nos. any amperex or simens 1950-1970 will sound amazing compared to stock (probably russian genalex).ge's are nice as well from the same era but my favourite is the mullard 10m 12au7 .i'm not arguing that the other models aren't good but if you want to make the most out of any tube preamp or tilt the tone to your taste just swap'em, swap'em good...
I do not own the BHK but, 2things have made a huge difference in my systems

* Machina Dynamica Super Stiff Springs
* XLR cabling, specifically Wire World


Scot, I would also highly recommend looking at the deHavilland Ultraverve preamp.  I am currently using a Tung Sol round plate 6sn7GT.  The sound is very nice...detailed and deep with great bass.  I also recently had Kara Chaffee (the designer of the Utraverve) install Dueland capacitors and I am very pleased with the sonic results.  Other 6sn7's that I like are: Raytheon GT 231, Sylvania W's, Ken Rad GT's, or any military 5192's. I am running a Bluesound 2i streamer into a Chord DAC and then through my Ultraverve...which serves my Bryston 14BSST into B&W 802's. For my ears I think the Utraverve is a great bargain.  regards, Jim
I would also add Decware to your list. All tube design, pt to pt wiring. I own their amps, but not their preamp.