@cleeds That is reassuring to hear and if this was a one-off I'd treat it as an error or glitch however, I have seen this complaint raised by several participants before and while some can probably be written off as cranks or nonsense, it does seem to occur much more than I would expect.
I have only been using this site for 5 or 6 months but that's long enough to get a feel for the overall tone of the forum. This seems like a pretty good-natured bunch of technical hobbyists and industry professionals. I don't see many apocalyptic, offensive, fringe-dwelling extremists to deal with so when I notice a disproportionate number of complaints about posts being deleted, especially by pretty well regarded members, that does give me pause.
True; it's a private company and they can do whatever they want with their business as far as I'm concerned, but deleting your customer's comments without any explanation probably isn't going to draw many people in.