@blueranger - your problem with you amp running hot may actually be due to the speaker cables (i.e. being of higher capacitance than most) causing the amp to oscillate.
12TC is 494 pF / meter - you get 3 meters of that and it’s a whopping 1482 pF !!!
NOTE: This issues only happens with solid state high current designs and NOT tube amps.
My old NAIM also suffered the same issue and it was well publicized on their web site
This can lead to internal damage to the point of destruction.
It happened to an acquaintance - he destroyed two solid state amps in this way and had no idea why = even the tech that fixed the amps did ot know about this issue.
WARNING: Some Cardas TOTL cables have an even higher capacitance.
To really be on the safe side, with high current design you should look at cables lower than 100pF/meter - preferably as low as 32 pF/meter. But it really does depend on the total length of the cable.
Your amp will actually run cooler as the capacitance is lowered.
Sounds a bit flaky I know, but high capacitance cables WILL KILL high current solid state amps.
Cable companies do not warn of this issue, Amp companies should also make it known, just as NAIM does.
A lot of tech’s are also ignorant of this issue.
I have a Bryston M135 and I am using cables with a total capacitance of 181 pF and it runs pretty cool - i.e. for a Bryston :-)
Hope that helps - Steve
12TC is 494 pF / meter - you get 3 meters of that and it’s a whopping 1482 pF !!!
NOTE: This issues only happens with solid state high current designs and NOT tube amps.
My old NAIM also suffered the same issue and it was well publicized on their web site
This can lead to internal damage to the point of destruction.
It happened to an acquaintance - he destroyed two solid state amps in this way and had no idea why = even the tech that fixed the amps did ot know about this issue.
WARNING: Some Cardas TOTL cables have an even higher capacitance.
To really be on the safe side, with high current design you should look at cables lower than 100pF/meter - preferably as low as 32 pF/meter. But it really does depend on the total length of the cable.
Your amp will actually run cooler as the capacitance is lowered.
Sounds a bit flaky I know, but high capacitance cables WILL KILL high current solid state amps.
Cable companies do not warn of this issue, Amp companies should also make it known, just as NAIM does.
A lot of tech’s are also ignorant of this issue.
I have a Bryston M135 and I am using cables with a total capacitance of 181 pF and it runs pretty cool - i.e. for a Bryston :-)
Hope that helps - Steve