SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier

I have in-house Coda Technologies 07x preamplifier, which is the latest iteration of their '0' series linestages.  Very briefly, over the last seven years I have had over five solid state preamplifiers, price range was between 4K to 20K, in for auditioning in my system.  They were quite good, but lacked what my tube based linestages had to offer.  The solid state pieces were wickedly transparent, micro-detailed, tight accurate bass extension, and had great overall dynamics.  However, they lacked the organic timbres/tonality, 3D imaging, and the ability to create a sense of space between the players that my tube based preamplifiers produced in my system. 

So, I was concerned that based on my personal preferences that the Coda 07x might not be my "sonic cup of tea".  Boy was I wrong!  Besides, the superlative build quality, starting with the double-sided gold-plated circuit boards, and the sane prices Coda charges compared to other much more insanely priced gear, the 07x is priced at $6'500, this preamplifier has patiently shocked me regarding it might be the best synthesis between what solid state offers (transparency-clarity/low frequency extension-control/micro-details/speed-dynamics) and the best of what tubes have to offer (pristine timbres-tonality-color/holographic imaging/three-dimensional sound-staging with a sense of air around the individual instruments).

Coda always, at least in the America "flies under the radar" compared to other US manufacturers, but based on performance, build quality, and  smart evolved engineering they offer cutting edge equipment at reasonable prices that deserve to be heard by more music lovers. I'll get into all the little details in my review on the performance of the 07x, but for right now if you are thinking about purchasing a solid state linestage, consider giving Doug Dale a call to hear this very special piece.
Hey Jafox,

When I write my review for Stereo Times on the 07x linestage, I'll share what specific preamps I compared it to, to come to the conclusion of why it is a benchmark compared to the other pieces.  I have had scores of some of the most highly regarded SS and tubed based preamplifiers over the years in my system. So, I'm in a good position to come to a sane conclusion about how high the Coda fits into the patheon of great linestages.  
jafox, if you are a perceptive reader, you should be able to figure out which tube preamp was tj's prior "reference".  i suspect it's still nothing to be sneezed at.  ;~)  and i still was considering it, even after this review; it was only because i was able to get a great deal on a b-stock 07x that made it more affordable than the tuber, that swayed me to get the coda.  if i could have gotten a similar deal on the other unit, i likely would have gotten it instead.

i'm presently putting my new 07x thru its paces, and yes, it's special.  as it's been at least 6 months since my seriously hot-rodded melos ma333r has been in the house, i cannot make a direct comparison there; if i ever get it back, that may happen. but suffice to say, this died-in-the-wool tube preamp aficionado is happy w/the sound of this.

i confess i'd prefer a dedicated remote, as the generic remote, while performing all the major tasks adequately, requires you to change screens for the different functions.  but honestly, this is a minor quibble, and i suspect a dedicated remote would increase the cost of the unit substantially, for a small mfr like coda.  and honestly, how often do you switch sources, w/o going up to your equipment rack anyway?  my melos only had remote volume/balance as it is...

doug s.
The Stereo Times website list of "MOST WANTED COMPONENTS OF THE DECADE" just went up this morning.  I placed the 07x on this list and hopefully my full review will be done by the end of this month.  It deserves to be on this list!
Hey Gentlemen,

The full review on the 07x has just gone up on Stereo Times website.  If you read it I hope you enjoy it and it provides more details on the superlative performance of this piece.