Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Check out Ayre...they have a new one that looks great ...especially given what I know about Ayre. High priced, but probably great.
I'm telling ya, If you love old krell, and want to be impressed, taking the level to much Higher, if you can swing the dough, you owe it to yourself to go and check out Dan D agistion's new intergrated amp, not saying what's best, I will leave that up to you to decide, anyone that does look into what I am saying here, report your findings back on this thread, cheers gentleman.
For the past week I've had the pleasure of listening to what I consider to be the most natural, non-hifi sounding amplifier I've ever owned....the Clones 25i integrated. Every listening session has me shaking my head in disbelief, not only as to what I'm hearing but why I would want anything else. Bad news for those who refuse to believe good sound is only attainable by spending thousands and thousands of dollars: It's dirt cheap.
Devilboy, I feel the same way about the Exemplar Exception integrated amp. Unfortunately or I believe fortunately, I have a Koda K 10 preamp and BMC M2 monoblocks and know they are clearly and not surprisingly better. But bang for the buck, the Exemplar is great.