How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?

Regardless of amplification, my Merlin Audio MMI monitors have always sounded bettter using the Merlin RC Master (Zobel) Networks consisting of a Dueland capacitor and a Caddock resistor in series bringing the tweeter terminals. I've heard that some have replaced the networks using Jupiter capacitors and Vishay resistors and different wires and spades. My question is, How much do the networks and their components and associated values affect the sound? At times my speakers, while having superb resolving ability, can occasionally sound edgy, particularly noticable with voices at higher volumes.
I'm less interested in playing with values than playing with components. I am hoping for some insight into what impact it might have.
A zoebel circuit is used to flatten the impedance of a driver and is not a crossover per se or doing any filtering. they are typically wired in parallel (you say in series "bringing" the tweeter terminals, which is likely in parallel) and as long as the parts are of good quality and their electrical values are within specification it is unlikely that higher quality parts will have a big impact on the sound quality- such that premium crossovers can do.