Does Digital Try Too Hard?

Digital glare. A plague of digital sound playback systems. It seems the best comment a CD player or digital source can get is to sound “analog-like.” I’ve gone to great lengths to battle this in my CD-based 2-channel system but it’s never ending. My father, upon hearing my system for the first time (and at loud volumes), said this: “The treble isn’t offensive to my ears.” What a great compliment.

So what does digital do wrong? The tech specs tell us it’s far superior to vinyl or reel to reel. Does it try too hard? Where digital is trying to capture the micro details of complex passages, analog just “rounds it off” and says “good enough,” and it sounds good enough. Or does digital have some other issue in the chain - noise in the DAC chip, high frequency harmonics, or issues with the anti-aliasing filter? Does it have to do with the power supply?

There are studies that show people prefer the sound of vinyl, even if only by a small margin. That doesn’t quite add up when we consider digital’s dominant technical specifications. On paper, digital should win.

So what’s really going on here? Why doesn’t digital knock the socks off vinyl and why does there appear to be some issue with “digital glare” in digital systems.
You quoted the wrong dude, dude. Try to pay closer attention. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: but my system sounds fabulous!
Other than the quote is out of context, it should read ’If only you could hear what I hear with YOUR ears.’ But I notice a lot of this guys quotes are out of context or completely wrong, anyway digital any more sounds fine I hear no glare no matter whose ears are employed, that’s been the case now for a number of years not like back in the early years of digital.

>>>>Other example of an argumentative reactionary. “My system sounds fabulous!” Yeah, sure, pal. I’ll be the judge of that. Besides I didn’t even mention glare. But now that you mention it...
@geoffkait I updated my post to correct the quote.  I apologize and will buy you a beer if you are ever in Sarasota. :-) 
And I would never say my system sounds fabulous.  That would be pretentious and would leave me open to flaming and personal attacks.

I've heard things you people wouldn't believe. Attack notes on fire off the shoulder of Mozart. I've heard C-notes glitter in the dark with the PPT Gate. All that music will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Roy, where have you been all this time?

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