Life After Your Magnepan’s

Curious if you’ve ever owned the larger Magnepan’s and then moved on to something new and Better.  I have a fairly large room at 21.5’ x 30’.  The Maggies struggle a bit to fill this large room with sound; especially in the lower registers.

Hello gammonit_2000,

     I agree completely, the LRS are excellent and might be the biggest audio bargain in decades.
I’ve used four different models of Magnepans in my systems during the past forty years and I had the best results with high powered solid state class AB and D amps, it seems like the higher the better and I’m currently using a pair of 1,200 watt class D monos. On another thread here, however, a member said he was driving his new pair of LRS with a 40 watt VTA tube amp with very good results, which really surprised me.
     I don’t think there’s any doubt that the Magnepan’s dipole operation contributes to their open and airy sound quality but I don’t think it contributes much to the bass performance. The last two pairs of Magnepans I’ve owned, the 2.7QR and 3.7i, have had excellent bass quality (fast, detailed, natural and seamlessly integrated) but only have bass extension down to about 35 Hz, which results in a lack of bass impact, heft and realistic, natural sounding bass dynamics.
     The Audio Kinesis 4-sub DBA not only provided excellent bass quality (fast, smooth, detailed, natural and seamlessly integrated) on both Magnepan models but also provided bass impact, heft, realistic and natural sounding bass dynamics along with bass extension down to 20 Hz +/- 3db.
     Since the Magnepan LRS only have bass extension rated down to 50 Hz, I’m certain their overall performance would be greatly enhanced with the addition of, ideally, the $3K AK 4-sub DBA Swarm system but also significantly enhanced with the addition of virtually any pair of good quality subs one prefers.
     I realize that some prefer not to use subs but I also realize that sometimes we just don’t know what we don’t know, or even dare to try.
     Total price of a pair of LRS with an AK 4-sub Swarm DBA would be about $3,700, with two good quality subs it could total only about $1,900. With either available with 30 day in-home free trial periods, there’s a big upside with really no downside with both except a bit of time.

I am working on a multi-sub solution.  I’m going to try three SVS Series 4000 subs arranged in a “swarm” configuration.  The SVS subs are extremely adjustable allowing for simultaneous correction of both peaks and dips.  
Hello stickman451,

     Here are a couple of articles that a site that discuss 3-sub bass arrays that might prove useful:

  I know 3 subs can be effective as 4 if positioned and configured properly.

Good luck,
Nola KOs might be worth a look as their multi-driver, dipole configuration will give you a good dose of the Maggie magic soundstage while potentially adding some oomph to the sound that is more a strength of conventional cone drivers. Just another option to consider.