Hi @classicalguy, I think @millercarbon makes a fair point: it would likely be a missed opportunity to budget for more expensive gear alone instead of scaling back in terms of the cost of the components themselves and using the remainder of your budget to allow yourself to factor in the right kinds of power treatments from the start, such as the Perfect Path Technologies mats and so forth he mentions. I really feel it is better than spending the same money on better gear, IMO.
Right. Its just not even close. The only way to know this however is to actually get the stuff, try it out, and see. Which I have done, so many times I've lost count. That is how I know absolutely no way will you have a better system by taking the $3k of tweaks and spending it on a better amp, or speakers. No way. Cannot be done.
Look at it this way. Right now in Seattle is a system at Definitive Audio on Roosevelt with nothing but the best Wilson, Audio Technica, and what's his name the former Krell guy. Oh yeah, D'Agostino. Whatever! Point is, its $1.3M, that's MILLION, yes three hundred thousand more than one million, and it does not present as captivatingly palpably you are there feeling as my well under $100k system. Its loud and its hifi and its not even close, and if you want to fly out here and see for yourself and disagree the fare is on me. How can this be? Because Definitive totally neglected room treatment other than the old outdated panels, their power conditioning is expensive but not as good as Perfect Path, they have zero vibration control like BDR Cones, and of course no Synergistic Research or anything at all even like PHT, ECT and HFT. Not to mention the fuses.
Honestly, just one killer tweak- Total Contact- would be enough to elevate this system to the stratosphere where it belongs. But no. They wasted $1.3M by not spending $300 on TC to get the most out of the components. Well, the same applies at $21k. At least as much, if not more so.