Upgrading a CD/SACD player with integral DAC

I’ve described my system on site before and it was pointed out the CD/SACD player was the weak link in the system. I’m not in disagreement, and would like to start researching an upgrade that would be commensurate with the rest of the system.

Here is what I have at present:

Marantz SA 8005 CD player with integral DAC
VPI Classic 2 turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
Luxman L507 uX Mk2 Integrated Amplifier
Magico A3 speakers
Hydra Denali 6000S Power Conditioner

I have only Redbook CD’s, no SACDs but it would be nice to retain that capability. It would also be nice to retain an integral DAC, although at a higher price point maybe you would advise on getting a separate DAC. I’d rather avoid doing that if possible, as that would mean having to add more cables that would detract from the overall budget. But let me know what you think on that score. I have no plans to add any other components, or to stream music, so that doesn’t need to enter the equation. I listen to mostly fifties jazz and Rock ’n Roll and R&B, among other things, if that is at all relevant. I want to buy new, and not Chinese manufactured products.

So what CD players would you recommend looking into that would be similar in quality to the rest of the system. And what if any sonic improvements might I look forward to with your recommended upgrade. I purposely did not mention price point as I don’t know what price point would put the CD player into the performance range of the rest of the system components. You were all were very helpful to me choosing the rest of the system components, especially the amp and speakers. So I’d appreciate, and am looking forward to your recommendations and guidance on this selection. If there’s any more information you need, please let me know. Thanks




when perusing Amazon for SACD titles, type the artist or album of interest, followed by DSD. This usually will find the SACD version.

Joni Mitchell's catalog first received the HDCD treatment around 1999/2000 remasters. Keep me posted on which cd/sacd titles that really shine via Ruby.

Happy Listening!

eBay seems to be pretty good at differentiating between standard and SACD, that’s where I got the several I have. I just searched for SACD IIRC.

BTW I am listening to my $2 Goodwill John Prine CD (I have been hitting Goodwill hard since I got the Ruby and started listening to CDs again) on my new $60 Philips headphones via the HP amp on the Ruby. I am impressed but I suspect if I had any reference of what a good headphone setup actually sounds like I might have a different opinion.
I have an Oppo 105 that I purchased primarily for SACDs and DVD-A discs.

When my trusty 20 year old Pioneer PD 65 died I started using the 105 exclusively: stock, it was decent but no cigar. While searching for a red book player, I stumbled across parts upgrades on E bay that looked fairly easy to do.

First, I moded with a easy to install silver IEC to power supply jumper. I was so happy (and now familiar with the power supply area) that I then replaced the crappy OEM power supply with a Linear Power Module. These were both sonic game changers. The icing on the cake was when I installed Machina Dynamica New DARK Matter to the tray, which IMHO is an absolute must for any transport/player

Also, I use the Oppo via its XLR outputs (there’s a huge difference between token XLRs and true deferentially balanced circuits) directly into my dual mono ES 1200 class D amp. I have owned many SS ans tube amps over the decades, the EVS is at the very top. If interested see my thread

Pettyofficer, you're lucky to have a good retail outlet for CD's in Seattle. I Iived nearby in Monroe and Bothell throughout the eighties. I used to love driving there to shop at Towers and Peaches and that place under the monorail that specialized in imports. There was a great used record store in Everett too at the time that had lots of rare material. Here in Roanoke the last place left selling CD's was the Barnes & Noble book store at the mall and they might have quit too for what I know.  Thank goodness for online shopping and thanks for your suggestions on where to search. 

Jafant thanks for the info on how to search for SACD's on Amazon. I'll do that today.

 Sebrof, I'll check out Ebay too. I've had pretty good luck with used CD's so far, way better than second-hand records which so often are crackly sounding even if they look perfect. I did get one used CD online from our local Goodwill recently. I haven't yet figured out if there is a physical Goodwill store to go to to check out their stock, or if it was only an online venture. 

Tweak, I'll look up the Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter today. Sounds like you've had some good luck with system improvements and modifications.


@skyscraper If you're curious, there's a review of your Marantz in the February issue of Absolute Sound.