
Roxy Music, The Space Between, fills the whole front of the room, lights it up really, a kaleidoscope of colors exploding in the dark. Where in the world did my amp get the extra hundred watts? No, make it a thousand. Transients so crystal clear its hard to believe this really is the same old 50 watt Melody integrated. Turn on the lights to be sure, its even worse, because now the snare drum that has to be there is invisible. But it has to be there!!!

Neil Diamond, Taproot Manuscript, opens with fake thunderclaps and some very real rain. Now you know how they’re always saying compare your recorded sounds to real sounds? Well the rain falling here is individual rain drops, lots of them, so many you can be sure its really raining. Only you can hear every individual raindrop. Perfectly clearly. So clear its easy to tell some are falling on a canvas tarp- not plastic, canvas- while a lot are on the hard ground. Some splat on stone, others land in puddles.

How such a tiny amount of gray goop applied here and there makes this happen is a real mystery. But that is what I’m hearing now with Total Contact, and its only been a few days.

Full review to follow....
sonicjoy ...

"I’m up here in Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands."
Lucky you. One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited. How’s the Salmon fishing and the crabbing?
Total Contact is an amazing product. I’d encourage those who have only treated their contacts, to branch out a little bit and start experimenting with surfaces like the inside of the duplex covers, the inside of the door leading into the circuit breaker box panel and the inside of your power conditioner. If you’ve only applied TC to your connections, there’s a whole lot more to be had from this product.

I’ve oft opined snake oil is the lubricant for the wheels of progress that makes the audiophile choo choo train run faster and longer. All board! Toot, toot! 🚂 Don’t be a mossback, go ape!
Amongst my hobbies I include reptiles and snakes in particular.
At one time had near a hundred, now down to 25 or so.
I can tell you from years of experience it is damn hard to extract said snake oil without receiving several deep and bloody bites.

Have mercy on the providers of snake  oil!
