Resale prices for Oppo Digital Universal Players

May I ask the forum to explain to me the disparity in the asking and bid prices for various preowned and some new Oppo Digital Universal Players for sale on Audiogon and on another well known resale site?  I'm seeing prices all over the scale.  I know they're no longer manufactured but the asking and bid prices don't seem to make any sense.  For example, there's a BDP-93 manufactured in 2011 with an asking price is $250.00, another one built in 2010 at $310.00 and another at $150.00 similar vintage.  There's a BDP-95 Blu-ray Universal Player for sale at $643.00.  There's a UDP-205 for $3,000.00 manufactured in 2017.  There's a BDP-83SE that's 10 years old with an asking price of $433.00. There are three new UDP-205s with asking prices from $3,699.00, $4,999.00 & $5,295.00 !!  The UDP-205s new were $1,299.00 when they became available.  There's a new UDP-203 built in 2016 at $ they were $549.00.  I own a BDP-103 from 2014 purchased brand new at $500.00 and it's still in excellent condition.  What is that worth should I decide to sell it here may I ask?         

The Oppo 205, at its original MSRP of $1295.00, could be considered a “reasonable” value I suppose as a mid fi product. However, it certainly is not worthy of the inflated prices it has been going for since it was discontinued. The midrange and high frequencies are very clearly “digital” sounding. That is one of the first things the mod guys work on. Just because it has the Sabre 9038 DACs does not mean it automatically sounds great. I spoke out about this product not because of snobbery or jealousy, but to warn people to not be sheep and pay inflated prices for an extremely overrated product.
Now for the snobbery part. If you are still listening to Thiel speakers, that would explain why you don’t hear the problems with the 205. I worked in high end audio for years and Thiel was one of the speaker lines we carried. I spent a lot of time with equipment and cable pairings trying to tame that tweeter.
Part of the reason the 205's price is up there is its ability to be used in a Multi-Channel setup. Go check out what a MC Dac goes for all by itself. The EXASound (Which I am sure sounds MUCH better than the Oppo Dac) will run you about $4500.  I dont believe there are any other MC Dac's currently being produced as a stand alone.
@briano, your certainly entitled to your opinions. It just might be more palatable if it was presented as such, rather than as factual declarations.
That professional reviewers have almost universally published just about complete opposite opinions touting it’s value is telling. That these units seem to be garnering the prices asked for them says even more.
As for the Thiel’s, they too garnered similar praise. What ever your issues with the tweeters might be misplaced. The Thiel’s were amongst the first with flat truly extended response. Many systems of that era with the then newly popular moving coil cartridges with their rising top end, and/or the fairly new digital sources of the time with their brick wall filters were geared to compensate for a rather different less neutral spectral response. There is more to a speaker than it’s tweeters.While specs don’t tell the whole story of a speakers sound, at the very least they offer objective comparison. I think a list of speakers with comparable complete performance specs any where near those Thiel’s will be very short indeed.
I have a Oppo UDP-205 and love the way it sounds. But if anyone is really willing to pay $$$$ to play SACD/CDs, then look for the latest Technics SACD player or the Marantz Ruby SACD  or a Yamaha S2100 player. There is no denying that the Oppo is a fantastic player for the original price.
The professional reviewers liked the UDP-205 at the price of $1295.00  (I could write a book on the dubious nature of “professional reviewers”.)
I highly doubt one of them would recommend it at the current prices. I bought the Marantz Ruby player after I sold my 205 and there is simply no comparison between the two. Yes, the Ruby has a significantly higher MSRP, but when the 205 is selling in that neighborhood, I have to point out how silly that is. 
I understand that many people find the 205 to be fine sounding, however, in what type of system? If it’s being used in systems that are not very resolving such as receivers and low price integrated amps, it will be fine. When the price jumps up to the 3k plus range, then it must be judged against other components in that price range and here is where it falls flat. In a high resolving system, it’s problems become very noticeable. The mids and highs become very digital sounding.
Again, for $1295.00 it’s a reasonably good product. But I caution anyone thinking of paying an absurd price for one of those to first compare it to other products in the same price range that you are considering paying for an Oppo.
One more thing. I have been in and out of the high end audio business for more years than I would like to admit. I urge you to take “professional reviewers” opinions with a grain of salt. There was a case where a well respected reviewer required a very expensive dinner and many bottles of wine just to review a product. Reviews based upon receiving long term loans of equipment. How many pages of advertising bought. I’ve seen and heard it all. Very common knowledge in the industry. When’s the last time you read a truly negative review?