Legacy Whisper XD and Audio Research Amps

Any users of Legacy Whispers with Audio Research amplifiers? I am considering the VS115 with the Whisper XD... the amp needs to drive the mid/top only (above 300Hz) since the bass drivers are self powered. Will this be a good match for a 14*23*10 room?
Thanks Doug. I hope to continue getting your advice and help along my journey to have a great system. Your review of the DSW where you mention that the speaker can be adapted with the external crossover in difficult situations to sound good was particularly helpful in me choosing the Whisper. I am restricted in my ability to try out many different combination of upstream equipment due to a lack of availability in my country.

Have a Merry Christmas and a great new year and hope to be in touch again soon.


www.avahifi.com get a few double die 550 units, save money better sound, bi amp with the van alstine phase inverters. Audio by VanAlstine will get you better sound for less. I use 4 1200W Hafler P500 rebuilds into VanAlstine Insight double die about 1200W each for a toatl of around 5200W or more, it's a sonic experience, that is incredible, more watts more control, lifelike slam and impact with complete bass control, I use teh Xilica DSP processor from Legacy on my older Whispers, incredible lifelike sound. Get teh Van Alstines, not the over hyped heavily advertised over hyped stuff.
Thanks Dup.
I've read comments about your system on forums. Sounds like you almost have a live concert going on in your room! This is what I want as well. Since I have bought the Whisper XD, which has internal 500W ICE amps for the bass drivers, there is no option to biamp. I can only use my own amplification for the mid and top. What are your thoughts on the Ayon Triton or Coda amps. I hear Legacy uses them at shows with their speakers. If you have been to the shows, can you let me know your thoughts.
I would like to hear from Doug or some one who has used McIntosh 501 mono blocks to power the Whisper XD.

One other thought, if one buys the DSW Whisper, which has no internal power for all of those woofers, it seems that it would take a lot of watts to power these enclosures externally. Would McIntosh 1.2KW mono blocks be enough?
