Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge

i have a Decca London Reference Cartridge (LRC), actually mounted in an older Mission Mechanic tonearm and would like to ask you with which tonearm one can get the most out of this wonderful cartridge.
The player is a Kuzma Stabi Reference and a Thorens TD 124, other arms i use are Sumiko MDC 800, Shindo Meursault and old Decca for ffss cartridges, but in these i haven´t tried it yet, but all these tonearm run with other cartridges so fantastic, that i don´t want to change them.
Some people recommend the long VPI 12.5, 12.6 or 12.7 tonearms. Have you some other suggestions?
Thanks very much!
I second Rolanda’s post and recommendation of the pairing with a Well Tempered Amadeus turntable/tonearm. I’ve used my WTA with a London Decca Super Gold for several years. As I’ve stated on other occasions “a match made in heaven.” 
I run my London Reference in an FR66s mounted on a Brinkmann Balance.
As presumably with any cartridge it benefitted from using good quality silver tonearm wires (in this case mounted in Arche headshell).
According to John Wright (who makes and services the cartridges) the FR arm is ideal and he uses an FR64.
He recommends a VTF of 1.8 gm (+/- 0.2) with VTA set so that top plate of the cartridge is parallel with the record, although he said there is no absolute and the ear is the best guide. In this regard I found that having the tail of the cartridge a nano-smidgeon lower than the front gave best results.After experimenting I found all works best with no bias setting at all.
As per above (VTF 1.82gm) there are no mistracking issues and it rides warped records as well as anything else I’ve got.
i have various other “high end” mc cartidges and the Decca is by far my favourite. You need to keep records clean and it doesn’t like bad scratches. 
And if you can find any of the various incarnations of the Townshend Audio Rock turntable, it is unusually suited for any and all Deccas and Londons. A Zeta arm mounted on a Rock is a classic combination for the cartridge.
My London Reference is more or less welded to my SME V. An excellent cartridge, and a fine all-rounder. 
I have experimented quite a bit with the damping paddle on the SME V, and it seems to be true that the new design Londons don´t require that much damping.
If you can get hold of some good quality silver headshell wires (I use the Aggolos ones) I found that was quite an upgrade with the London Reference...