AAD 2001 monitors, bi-amping experiment

I’ve been experimenting with amplifiers for my AAD 2001 monitors. Everything I’ve read indicates the AAD 2001 need a lot of power. Lately I’ve been using a Portal Audio Panache, which offers 100wpc.

A few days ago I came up with idea of bi-amping these using the Panache on the low end, and a tube amp on the top end. Using a McCormack Line Drive passive pre (dual outputs), I added Jolida 102B to drive the HF. Both amps have volume controls, which I can use to fine-tune the Hi/Lo balance.

The sound is toe-tapping, ear-to-ear smile lively. Don’t know if it’s “right”, or if it’s “better”, but it has definintely got me thinking.

Is what I am hearing a consequence of “tubes on top / SS down low”, or is it just a result of extra power?
The change in "balance" has been achieved by fiddling with the volume controls - and there has been a fair amount of that. Of course, in this case, the "balance" is not L/R, but between the HF and LF speaker inputs. I do not have the equipment to take measurements, so it's been strictly by ear, using a wide variety of source material.

There may be other factors at play of course - different speaker cables (AudioQuest Type 8 with the Jolida/HF, DH Labs Q-10 with the Panache/LF), different power cords, etc. Still, the whole experiment has been rather interesting. I just don't know what the next step should be - logical or not.

Next Step?

How about put on some music, grab an adult beverage and enjoy?

Unless you know how it measured before changes...which presumably are easily reversed, I see no point in starting to measure now.
I was sitting on the couch last night, sipping an adult beverage, enjoying the music. A thought popped in my head. “What if what I am hearing is simply the result of adjusting the conections?” I had to explore it. Had to.

I grabbed some geek supplies – a can of Never Dull metal polish, a couple of cleaning rags, some ultra fine sand paper, and some Walker SST contact enhancement. I spent about an hour overhauling the speaker contacts on the back of the AAD monitors. I then put things back together, and have been smiling ever since.

Don't know if it was bad connections, a mis-match in components, or if I have somehow stumbled on a new system synergy. All I care about - the magic is back.
Designdude...Are you saying that you like and are therefore keeping your bi-amping experiment? Can you give us any more details.
Here's my situation. I've just bought an Ayon Triton (tubes) integrated amp. My problem is that my wife and I have fallen in love with Revel Ultima Salon 2's. They take alot of power (rated at 86.4 db). Probably more power than the Triton can deliver. I'm determined to make that combination work. So I'm thinking of doing something similar to what you've done. As you can tell, other than being a hard head, I'm also new to the audiophile world otherwise I would have bought my speakers first and then build my system around them.
I'll probably post this as a thread for some much needed advice.
Any ideas before I post my thread?
There are multiple things at work here, I think. The 2001s, which I own and love, can be a bit hot on top, something tubes can soften. In my case I padded down the tweeters just a smidge with a 1 ohm resistor, which solved the problem for me. Bi-amping gives you the ability to adjust the relative balance in the same way, to a much greater degree, of course. An yes, if underpowered for the room they won't open up properly.
These are great speakers sonically and in construction quality. Few speakers at any price are designed and constructed in such a cost-no-object way by such a great designer. They have the hallmarks of long term collectible classics.