LONDON Decca, Tzar DST and similar cartridges

I have always been curious about these phono cartridges and the Stereophile review of the Tzar DST has heightened my interest. When I read about the peculiarities of these cartridges, I am put off from trying them. Can anyone offer persuasive reasons to try them and also provide real practical advice on how to make them work reliably?  Tonearm suggestions? Phono preamp suggestions? Damping recommendations? How badly do they grind out record grooves?  Any other words of advice? Thanks. 
Ok, I received the 2 plugs that just contain a resistor and the 1 plug with just a capacitor.

As much as I wanted to like the London Reference at 15k or 33k, in my current system it sounds best at 47k.

Adding the capacitor to bring to total capacitance to 220pF, however, has a very positive effect. As I said above, "the music becomes more coherent. I get a better sense of where the musicians are and what they are doing. The music is also slightly more nuanced."
Having read the thread about the London Decca Reference and it’s comparison to high end mc cartridges I just wanted to share my own personal experience.
My system comprises Brinkmann Balance, FR66s, Alnic H3000, Soulution 725 and Avalon Compass diamond speakers.
I have compared the LDR directly and extensively with : Koetsu Jade (diamond cantilever), Koetu Urishi, Fidelity Research FR7fc, SPU Synergy SPU  Classic and ZU Denon 103.
The LDR is (in my system and to my ears) the best cartridge of all of the above. It does not have any less high frequency delicacy, soundstage width, depth or bass than any of those listed (with the possible exception of the Jade that might have more bass but also is comparatively a “performer” in its own right in a “ look how great I am” sense).
For what its worth I’d rank the FR7fc as the second best, coming closest to the musicality of the LDR.  Of course this might be system dependant but the above is my experience.
Nice system, Howard. I'm at the low end of all this wonderful gear. (See my system in my profile)
I've had a Decca Super Gold since the 80s on an LP12 where it was eventually relegated to the bottom of the drawer.
It's since been rejuvenated with a Decapod and the same stylus as used in the LDR, and vanquished of malady by installing it on a slate plinthed and heavily modded Garrard 401. I've also acquired two other treasured Garrott Brothers' cartridges.