Frogman, thank you for your answer, your point of view is quite clear to me.
I really do hope that I did not cause any inconvinience to you with shifting the subject to a thread where it was not meant to be.
My perspective is different, as is our background, education or our social world.
However I fully respect and understand yours, no matter that I do not agree with it.
Of course that I could write number of reasons that would support my thoughts, but as you said, none of them would have anythinig with music.
Since this is not the place to discuss the criticism of religion or its influence on society or people in general,(do not want to generalise, but I do not find them to be so positive) I guess we should wait for such topic to arise on some other thread.
In meantime, I would use the words of Schubert for conclusion of this small talk
Just to answer to your question, I think that nobody has or should have an exclusive rights for spirituality
I really do hope that I did not cause any inconvinience to you with shifting the subject to a thread where it was not meant to be.
My perspective is different, as is our background, education or our social world.
However I fully respect and understand yours, no matter that I do not agree with it.
Of course that I could write number of reasons that would support my thoughts, but as you said, none of them would have anythinig with music.
Since this is not the place to discuss the criticism of religion or its influence on society or people in general,(do not want to generalise, but I do not find them to be so positive) I guess we should wait for such topic to arise on some other thread.
In meantime, I would use the words of Schubert for conclusion of this small talk
Just to answer to your question, I think that nobody has or should have an exclusive rights for spirituality