Looking for Help with Speaker Jumper Cable Choice

I have a pair of Dali Helicon 800 speakers that I purchased used a year ago but they did not come with the factory cable jumpers.  And the speaker cables I'm using are not a bi wire setup.  

I've been using a cheap set of Audioquest Type 2 or Type 4 jumpers I had the local audio store create for me 20 years ago for the speakers I was running at the time.  

My current speaker cables are a set of first generation JPS Labs Superconductor.  I've been thinking surely I can do better than the AQ jumpers.  

I've read here that the jumpers should be as good or better than the speaker cables.  I see recommendations for Peachtree and Maze which are affordable but would they be a good fit for my system?  I do need bananas on the woofer terminals so I can clamp down the Superconductor spades on the woofer terminals.   

What would be a good affordable synergistic suggestion for replacement jumpers for my system?  
"But I lie awake at night worrying whether jumpers are directional."  
Agon needs a "like" tag option on posts like other forums offer.  I like your comment.  

As for going for some JPS jumpers, I struggle with spending $400 on a set when the cables cost half that.  

MillerCarbon - I'm totally capable of cutting off the female spades and stripping and soldering the wires direct to the male spades of the clamp tabs.  So far in this hobby I have not been a "modifier" other than trying different cables to optimize the sound so it didn't cross my mind.  These speakers were a craigslist scratch and dent purchase so it's not like I'd be compromising them any more than some of the scars they already have.  

I'll lie awake for a night or two pondering cutting and soldering direct and report back if I decide to take this approach.  
Just to do my part to prevent insomnia jumpers are directional. All wire is directional. 

Bonus quiz: What’s the cure for insomnia? A - Get plenty of sleep. 🤗
mike_ostradick I lucked out and got a new set of JPS jumpers from Alan at Audiowaves he was clearing out last fall.  Keep an eye on his website for JPS cables on sale.  No affiliation - just got a couple great deals there on JPS which is my cable of choice.