Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.
Hi toetapaudio,
Other than presumably lower frequency region differences,  have you heard other sonic distinctions between the 8" and 10" Cube Audio drivers in your showroom system?
Hi Charles

The soundscape is larger with the Nenuphar’s, as one might expect. The Mini Nenuphar’s would be the choice for medium to smaller spaces and I can see this being the preferred choice here in the U.K.

The sound qualities are similar, both being very open, the feeling of a directness between you and the music, a calmness that allows one to get absorbed into the music. I feel that transients are perhaps dealt with a little better with the Mini, perhaps due to a lower moving mass.

The cabinet designs are similar being TQWT, the Mini cabinet dimensions being smaller. In theory the 10 inch version should produce a lower bass end but in our medium sized listening  room I certainly have nor felt I’m missing much if any bass extension.

Due to the revealing nature of these speakers, as has been said by you and others, amp matching is very critical. Don’t assume though that these speakers are for SET’s only. There are some SS amps that clearly work extremely well with them. My own experience with the Bakoon 13R, echoes the praise that Srajan of Six Moons has mentioned about this combination. There are other SS amps that  might be compatible as well, like First Watt, Trilogy and possibly Grandinote.

Please ask if there are any other questions.
Thanks for your thorough characterization of these two what I believe are spectacular speakers. I really think that these Cube Audio speakers are cut from a different cloth compared to other single driver wide band speakers. I don't doubt that they sound splendid with transistor amplifiers that avoid over use of NFB and unnecessary damping factor levels. Srajan and Cube Audio have clearly emphasize this point. 
I am about to join the Nenuphar circle: on order with Jon at RefinedAudio to arrive in a couple of weeks.  I actually made this decision before finding this thread, but it's contents have corroborated what I have read elsewhere and provided helpful hints re set up.  Thanks.

I will be driving the Nenuphars with a Linear Tube Audio Ultralinear amp, a 20 watt per channel Berning ZOTL with 1.6 ohm out put impedance--a key number in determining capability.  Gregorz assures me it will be a good fit--in fact, he mentioned he is working on his own design of an OTL amp.

After break in, I'll come back and give you impressions.

@stephendunn  Congratulations and welcome! Looking forward to your impressions.