Tube tester...anyone own their own?

Since a lot of us utilize tube based gear, I am wondering how many of us own a tube tester? I am considering acquiring one, not sure if I would look for a Hickok or another brand/type.
if you are considering a tube tester, or already own one, do tell us your recommendations and your experience with the particular type you own.

I've also owned an Amplitrex AT1000 tester for around 10 years now, and have found it to be completely reliable, accurate and easy to use. Yes, it is expensive, but well worth the money if you are a serious tube audio enthusiast. As mentioned above, a lot of very well known tube sellers are selling both NOS and new production tubes out there which often do not test anywhere near what they claim they do, and use old testers that give confusing results that they try to dupe buyers into believing they are getting more than they really are. Don't fall for the "platinum matched" scam presented by some sellers who charge a lot of extra money for their tubes, claiming that they match within a few percent of each other, when in reality, they are off by as much as 20 or 30%. 
I have a B&K Dyna-Jet 707 that has been an exceptional companion for over 40 years.( Thank you Dad ! )   Have local vintage guitar/amp shop that will calibrate when asked.  
TV-7 D/U and sent to Daniel Nelson in Arizona for updates and calibration.  If you can find the original military headphone set for noise testing, that is a big plus.

Also have a Western Electric KS-15874-L2 otherwise known as a Hickok Cardmatic.

The TV-7 D/U still appears on E-Bay quite regularly.
I had 6 at one time back when I lived in my home in NY. You could say I was obsessed. Included were the Western Electric KS-15750, Triplett 3444, Hickok 539C, TV-2 C/U, TV- 7/DU and  Hickok 752A. They were all stellar performers. The Hickok 752A was the easiest to use because you could check both sections of a tube with just a flip of a switch (you didn't have to change all the settings). My favorite was the Hickok 539C. 
I sold them all but my TV- 7/DU making my retirement move into a condo. I kept the TV- 7D/U because of its small compact size, and it's very rugged.