Unsound - you've got me thinking . . . I've been considering the 3.6 as the terminal discrete driver iteration of the model 3. But it might be more rightly thought of as a transition product between the sealed-bass "pure 3s" and the reflex bass "new 3s". The CS3 and 3.5 were, if I remember correctly, identical except for the midrange driver with its crossover tweaks, and the single jacks. The CS3 mid was too fragile and the more robust 3.5 mid was in fact a full-range driver. Any upgrades to the 3.5 could be applied to the 3 as well, creating perhaps a 3.5r (renaissance) as the next "pure 3". Combined, about 7500 pair or 'pure 3s' were sold. We know some of them survive on this forum and my "new" pair in the studio. How many do you think are out there?
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